Roy Batty, model number N6MAA10816 portrayed by the great Rutger Hauer

Pris was a "basic pleasure model" Nexus-6 replicant who was part of an escaped group of replicants led by her lover, Roy Batty. The group's goal was to demand longer lifespans from their manufacturer, the Tyrell Corporation. And who could say no to Daryl Hannah!

In the English village of Midwich, the blonde-haired, glowing-eyed children of uncertain paternity prove to have frightening powers. . . The TV advertisement would terrify me as a child, and I would run around to the back of the TV set and hide.

The human race has been relocated to an underground city beneath the Earth's surface. And how did that workout? In 1980 I stumbled across this movie on tv one late Saturday night when I needed to be saved from being bored and desperate. I was captivated and swallowed up by this brilliant sci-fi masterpiece.